Louise Graham

To whom it may concern,

my husband Daniel and I recently travelled to Bali (April 2015) with our 11 month old daughter Winnie. We have travelled to Bali many times before, approximately 15 times over the years, but never with children. As first time parents, we were not only apprehensive about travelling to another country with a small child, but the thought of hiring a nanny to look her was considerably daunting and not something that we took lightly.

Tuti’s services were recommended to us by the W Hotel Seminyak when we asked for assistance with childcare. We wanted to attend a brunch there one afternoon, but fearing that it would be too hot for Winnie to be out in the heat of the day, we felt it was prudent to entrust another with her care. Our reservations were swiftly set aside on the day as Tuti was warm in nature and clearly a nanny at heart. She was not only prompt and on time for this first booking, but for all other times we asked Tuti to mind Winnie for us (a further three occasions) . Had Tuti not been booked prior for later that week, I know that we would have happily booked her for the remaining days.

Tuti always followed our instructions for Winnie regarding her food/bottle timings and was able to settle her well for each sleep. We were able to leave Winnie in her care knowing that she would have Tuti’s undivided attention. On return from each outing, Tuti gave us a detailed ‘handover’ as such regarding what she had eaten, how long she had slept and anything else that they had been doing together.

Again, as first time parents and never leaving her with anyone other than her grandparents, the decision to hire Tuti was not one that we delved into lightly. It was only after much consideration that we decided to do so. I know that when we travel to Bali again in the coming years we will be booking Tuti well in advance to ensure that Winnie is well looked after on the days that we would like some time together as a couple, especially in the evenings when little ones need their sleep routine upheld.

I would not hesitate to give Tuti a verbal reference in addition to the above testimonial. I can be contacted on 0423 833 290.


Louise Graham